I had a project recently where I created a private software package and hosted it on Azure Artifacts, a similar platform to Pypi or Github for distributing packages. There was a scenario where I needed to pass values from Azure Library into Docker.
Since my package was private, it could only be accessed by those with specific credentials- credentials which could authenticate that a user has correct access. One of the services requiring use of this package ran inside a continuously-running AWS ECS task. The ECS task ran from a docker image. In the Dockerfile used to create the image, we have code telling Docker to install some software packages. This is where I would run my pip install
command to pull my package from Azure Artifacts.
Usually when you install a package from Pypi, you simply run pip install <package name>
. If you want to specify a repository other than the default, you can use pip install <package name> --extra-index-url http://xyz123.com
From Azure Artifacts, you need to specificy exactly this, but add credentials to the beginning of the link:
pip install <package name> --extra-index-url http://<user>:<token>@xyz123.com
Remember, you can find the link to download your package by clicking the “Connect to Feed” option in Azure Artifacts. (For those unfamiliar, a Feed is a container for packages in Azure DevOps; it provides version and access control for project dependencies).
However, it is bad practice (think security flaw) to hardcode credentials directly into the software; it should be passed another way, and it made sense to use Azure’s library feature to store the credentials. Library is a service that is used to store key-value pairs, and only those with proper permissions can access the items. These variables can be passed into any pipeline within the Azure ecosystem. This also makes it possible to work with Azure DevOps even if you want to run the code in another cloud environment like AWS; you would just need to have Azure push the pre-built image to ECR, Amazon’s container repostory service, for instance.
So, we are left with the option to load the credentials into the image at build-time. And don’t worry about the token showing up in the pipeline log messages- the password is obfuscated if set as “secret”:

But take note: if you are going to store the image in Azure’s container registry and are only looking for a secure way of downloading packages, this workflow might isn’t totally relevant and might be a little circuitous (but, still good to know and might be tangentially useful). You could simply use a Docker Registry Service Connection to to more directly download packages and run them inside Docker. However, there could be other reasons to pass key-values into Docker. So, Let’s keep on keeping on. In this tutorial, we will simply print out the username stored in the library.
After creating the library group and variable, create your dockerfile. Then, upload it to your Azure repository.
For our purposes, I am skipping any package creation as discussed above. No need to get complex.
FROM python:3.11-slim-bullseye
ARG username # here, we are telling Docker to expect an argument passed during the build process
ENV APP_ENV=${username} # here, we are passing the build argument to an environmental variable.
CMD echo ${APP_ENV} # We are going to print out the variable value to the command line.
In Azure pipelines, we can create a task to build the docker image. There is a specific task to do this, called “Build an Image” in the traditional UI for building azure pipelines. In YAML, the task would be called Docker@0
. You could also use a Bash command instead to accomplish the same thing:
docker build --build-arg username=$(username) -f $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Dockerfile
You might need to change or add additional arguments, including to specify the location of the dockerfile. I put down the default location for this tutorial.
However, I won’t be using the bash command directly in the pipeline, but it is good to know what is happening behind the scenes.
But whatever method you choose to use, you need to connect the pipeline the Azure Library group. In the traditional UI, this is where you can make the connection:

In YAML, you would use a snippet like this:
- group: Variables-Dev # this is where we connect the variable group to the YAML pipeline
In the traditional UI, we can reference the build arguments. We specify the variable by using this format: $(variable_name)

In YAML, the whole thing would look like this (I’ve removed sensitive information):
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- group: Variables-Dev # this is where we connect the variable group to the YAML pipeline
- task: Docker@0
displayName: 'Build an image'
azureSubscription: 'Azure subscription 1 (########################)'
azureContainerRegistry: '{"loginServer":"##############.azurecr.io", "id" : "/subscriptions/################/resourceGroups/##########/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/##########"}'
buildArguments: 'username=$(username)'
additionalImageTags: 'my_image'
- task: Docker@0
displayName: 'Push an image'
azureSubscription: 'Azure subscription 1 (###############)'
azureContainerRegistry: '{"loginServer":"################.azurecr.io", "id" : "/subscriptions/##################/resourceGroups/#############/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/#############"}'
action: 'Push an image'
additionalImageTags: 'my_image'
- task: Docker@2
displayName: 'login to ACR'
containerRegistry: testServiceConnection
command: login
- script: 'docker run ################.azurecr.io/testproject:my_image'
displayName: 'Command Line Script'
And you can see the username populating after running the dockerfile: